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Baharat is a very common spice blend in Middle Eastern cooking. The word baharat actually means "spices" in Arabic, and although the mixture can vary from region to region, it generally includes some of the same ingredients. Baharat is a popular seasoning for lamb, chicken, beef, and fish, vegetables as well as soups and rice, and does not contain any salt. The reddish-colored powder has a deep, mildly sweet taste with a touch of smokiness.


What Is Baharat?

Baharat is to Middle Eastern cuisine as garam masala is to Indian food. It is a ubiquitous seasoning that can vary slightly in ingredients depending on where the spice blend is made. All of the spices are ground into a fine powder and then used in recipes or sprinkled over finished dishes as a condiment. The allspice, nutmeg, cumin, and coriander lend a rust hue to the spice blend.Baharat is a very common spice blend in Middle Eastern cooking. The word baharat actually means "spices" in Arabic, and although the mixture can vary from region to region, it generally includes some of the same ingredients. 


What Is It Made Of?

Other than in Turkey, where baharat often contains dried mint, the basic ingredients are consistent from blend to blend, including Allspice,black pepper, coriander, cardamom, nutmeg, and cloves


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