One on One coaching program

This is s personalized one on one membership program. It is perfect for people who :
*Want to lose weight
*Want to improve Cholesterol or Hypertension
*Want to be able to improve their diabetes
*Want to reduce Arthritis pain
*Want to have a better digestion
* Want to have more daily energy
In this program you will have all you need to know about whole food plant based nutrition and personalized weekly zoom classes and weekly cooking classes.
You will also get a personalized exercise program and learn meditation.
You will be part of the Ultimate membership program community where we all ask questions and share our experiences.
Get your program today ad start changing your health from the inside out!
Programa personalizado,
Alimentacion basada en plantas

Bienvenido al programa personalizado de alimentación basada en plantas.
En este programa aprenderá todo lo que necesita saber para cambiar su estilo de vida y nutrición.
Aprenderá múltiples trucos y consejos que lo ayudaran a tener una amena transición a una alimentación libre de productos animales. También aprenderá sobre los beneficios de este nuevo estilo de vida.
En este programa usted tendrá 2 llamadas mensuales por Zoom donde tendrá completo seguimiento de sus avances junto con 2 clases de cocina vegana.
Podrá ser miembro de nuestro grupo de Facebook donde usted podrá compartir con nuestra comunidad sus preguntas y dudas.
      8 Weeks Weight loss  Program

This program consist of :
Weekly access to all the tips and tricks to transition into a whole food plant based nutrition with ease.
8 weeks of suggested recipes to try while doing this program that will be mind blowing!
Bi weekly calls through Zoom for control of weight and progress in the program
​Cardio and strength exercise program to do from home or at the Gym
Mindfulness classes to release all the stress we have during the day
Changing your diet together with exercise habits are a great recipe for success.
I am available through the chat center to answer all the questions you may have.
Let's start working together !
What should I eat when I have Diabetes?
 Membership Program

Welcome to what should I eat when I have diabetes Membership program.
In this membership program you will be able to learn about a new way of eating that will change your life!
You will not only lose weight, learn to control your glucose levels but also you will be start to get healthy from the inside out.
The benefits of this membership program is that you will learn how to change your lifestyle little by little by learning how to cook Whole food plant Based. A new recipe every week plus the basic that are already pre recorded will help you change your lifestyle that will eventually get you to your optimal goal... To be healthy, and reverse your diabetes.
This is a community and we all will be learning at the same time. You are not alone!
Let's get started and get your first lesson!